Monday, July 4, 2011

Soul Sista's

Last week was hands down my favorite Seattle weekend yet! The 4th of July has always been a favorite holiday, but this year was particularly fun and memorable. A couple of my dearest friends and previous mission comps drove up from Utah for a long weekend. We had so much fun staying up late, have dessert for dinner every day, going swimming, playing down town, hiking, canoing, riding the ferry and topping it all off the Seattle firework show of my life!

Sister Timothy, aka Brooke and, Sister Jones aka Lisa, and I at "Gas Works Park", across the bay from Seattle. A huge barge sails out to the middle of the water and lights off fireworks reflecting on the water, there were soooooo many people and just as many fireworks! It was quite a show.

We drove all over town looking for a place to eat out, and everywhere was closed for the holiday! Our hunger was saved when we found this little organic restaurant. Wow, it was awesome. We all enjoyed our exotic dishes and fresh and filling meals. "Thrive" (I would highly recommend it to anyone passing through Seattle!)

The crabs...wouldn't recommend so much.

Soaking up some sun :)

Canoeing on the sound...we didn't even tip over! This really was a little miracle as the Ferry's can send out quite the wake.

Lots of laughs an memories ( all readers...visitors are room and board in one of the countries coolest cities!)

1 comment:

Katie and Greg said...

How fun to see some pictures of your old comps! That weekend really sounds so perfect!