Monday, June 6, 2011

Memorial Day with the Fam

I was asked what my top 3 favorites of Seattle have been. I quote myself:

"1.) the scenery and feeling like I am camping or in the mountains all the time.
2.) Being so close to my brother and his family.
3.) The artsy earthy healthy atmosphere"

This last Memorial Day, I got the whole package! Scott and Laura invited me to join them and their friends for tin-foil dinners, s'mores, mountains, and a whole lota fresh air. It was absolutely beautiful up there and wonderful to be with family. They have been absolute life savers since I have been here, I drop in at least once a week to be in a place that feels like "home". I hope they don't get sick of me, because they are stuck with me for eternity :)

Scott and Ellie playing on the rope swing.


Jamie said...

What fun! Washington is so beautiful!

Katie and Greg said...

That picture of Scott and Ellie is amazing! It looks like you are visiting Fern Gully!